Nothing says, "Paris" like this baby!

Nothing says, "Paris" like this baby!
The Tower

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Paula says,

Paula says it is only a little over 3 weeks before we leave and already she has "Lost It." Now, for those of you who know Paula, she rarely, if ever, "Loses it." What that means, I think, is that Paula is more then ready for 8 weeks of "FRANCE!" which, for those of you who have been lucky enough to visit France know, will make you just a little bit giddy.  Only this morning we were planning our first day in Paris and exactly where Duane will purchase the first breakfast baguette. We didn't get much beyond that as a perfect baguette will pretty much make your day. No more planning required. Recently we have made the acquaintance of a woman named Christine who isn't a relative, but knows someone who knows someone who probably is and furthermore she might be a kindred spirit. She left her cozy home in New York or Florida or somewhere in 2002 and since then has lived in Rome, Paris and Montpellier writing a travel blog and being amazing. For those of you who don't know, Duane wants to do this exact same thing. Sure, Tucson is great, but who doesn't want to live in Paris for 6 months and then Rome for 6? Last year our neighbors began this same exact adventure. They sold their home with everything in it. . . Furniture, sheets, towels, silverware, kitchen stuff, artwork, dust balls, mattress mites and all. At this moment, Duane is looking for a buyer. Paula is looking at Duane like he's crazy, but she is beginning to see the benefits of this lifestyle. Stay tuned.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Duane Turns 70! This requires a trip to France - At the very least!!

Duane turns 70 and stated, "There is no reason whatsoever not to spend part of the year in France." While we have been to France numerous times we have always raced around like banshees from palace to cathedral to market to  museum to vineyard with nary a moment to simply sit and watch France go by. This year will be different. Ha! Duane has promised Paula to just sit and soak up the French culture. Duane promised. To begin with we will spend 3 glorious days in Amsterdam so Duane can see the Van Gogh Museum and Vincent's masterpieces one more time before his (Duane's) powers of observation wane. We will then travel to Paris for one entire uninterrupted month of Paris. Now, I know you're saying, "Haven't you already been to Paris?" Of course, 5 times, but never for more than a few days and always on the run. This year we plan to take entire days just to find the best baguette in the 3rd Arrondissement. The next day will be spent in a Fromagerie selecting Camembert. After that who knows. that is why we write the Blog. Stay tuned.