Nothing says, "Paris" like this baby!

Nothing says, "Paris" like this baby!
The Tower

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Of course there was a Best T -Shirt

Yesterday we were so busy that we neglected the "T-Shirt of the Day" award. Since there can be only one (There have to be rules!) we chose the less nasty one and went for the one with the most earnest determination. This Champion T-Shirt, worn by a rather attractive young woman who was without a doubt a college Junior allowed us to peek inside her "Inner Woman" to a place that only she has control of, her actions! From all outward appearances she was was what one would probably call, "A Good Girl." (One can never tell for sure about such things, but the lack of piercings, visible body ink, a fashionable hair cut and sensible shoes gave her away.) So, her T-Shirt calling out (We assume to herself): DON'T LET  THE BAD GIRLS HAVE ALL  THE FUN! Opens a window on to this young woman's sincerest hopes and dreams. . . . "Remember to have some fun!". . . If there had been time Duane could have offered her some great suggestions, but that could have been creepy, and depending on how offerings like that are taken here in Paris could have meant jail time for Duane. We simply smiled and went on our way. we wish her well in her continued academic pursuits as well as her pursuit of FUN!

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